

Hello my name is Darell Trianni and I am an Artist from Stoke on Trent in the UK. Most of the Artwork you will see within my Portfolio is in Pencil and Watercolour, my favourite medium of choice. A lot of it is commissioned but most if it is personal Artwork. I draw my Art to the best of my ability and I get better and better with each piece I produce.

In my personal work I do a lot of sketches and doodles constantly teaching myself different mediums. Like Pastel, Charcoal, Paint and Watercolour when I find the time that is. In the YouTube section you will see links to my YouTube videos. The videos are of me working away at faster than light speed so you can see how I draw.

My education is in Graphic Design I obtained my degree in Graphic Communications from Wolverhampton University a few years ago and though I have never really used it I would say its had a big influence on my Artwork. I would say it has taught me to be more technical in terms of aligning my work on the page and facial proportions.

Well thats me done with all of the personal stuff about me. Please feel free to view my Artwork on my websites http://www.legacyart86.com/

Thank you.

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